Author Archive | admin

Signs and Symptoms of Depression: Symptoms of MDD

Before moving on from my discussion of depression to write about other disorders, including bipolar illness and anxiety disorders, I wanted to present the following list of symptoms for Major Depressive Disorder, or clinical depression. This information comes from the National Institute of Mental Health. It is a very concise list of symptoms, many of […]

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Signs and Symptoms of Depression: Dysthymic Disorder

I have written previously about the most serious form of depression, what is called Major Depressive Disorder and sometimes referred to as clinical depression. But another type of depression is important to note: Dysthymic Disorder. This type of depression is characterized by long–term (two years or longer; 1 year in adolescents and children) but less […]

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This Momentous Time

Given that I am writing this during the week of amazing events in our national history, I have to detour from writing on psychotherapy issues and add my words to what is being written at this momentous time. This week saw two such events. The first, which was truly a foundation for the second, was […]

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Just Breathe

One more word about techniques for helping to reduce stress during these tense, economically challenging times. Breathe. Take time to consciously breathe in and out. Research has shown that breathing is an excellent stress buster. In fact, it seems that breathing and stress cannot co-exist: during that moment, when you inhale, the stress is gone. […]

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Stress Management During These Unpredictable Times

I have been wanting to write something about the harsh economic times that we are all experiencing. It’s a very scary time. But I didn’t know where to quite begin. Recently someone asked me for some tips on reducing stress, particularly stress caused by these unpredictable and anxiety-causing economic realities. So I’ve put together this […]

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I have been meaning to write something about the difficult times that so many people are experiencing now in so many ways. Jobs lost, tighter budgets, a thick cloud of uncertainty. But before doing that, a word about thanksgiving and gratitude. I’m writing this a few days after Thanksgiving holiday with the intention of stretching […]

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How we go on?

How we go on? While thinking about this basic existential question, I came back to a small gem of a poem, Gary Snyder’s “Axe Handles.” In the poem, Snyder addresses one of the ways that we indeed do go on: through relationships. He includes a number of relationships: teacher to pupil, older poet to younger, […]

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