Does this seem familiar? In the course of a normal day, you check your work email and your box is full of messages, some urgent. You check your personal email, perhaps you have more than 1 account, and there are many people awaiting replies from you. You have one phone, sometimes two, dangling from your […]
Problems of Living
People come into therapy for various reasons. There are some people who have what are diagnosable mental disorders. People with severe depression (known as Major Depressive Disorder), Bipolar Disorder, and eating disorders suffer from such mental illnesses. Usually treatment for these clients requires a combination of psychotherapy and medication management. While these disorders are serious […]
Couples Therapy: Putting the Horse Before the Cart
While there are a lot of factors that go into working with couples on their relationship, often a basic building block that I focus on is communication. Couples, married or otherwise, straight or gay, come into therapy because of troubling issues. Often underlying these issues – be they about sex, finances or trust – is […]
Talk Therapy
Often a prospective client will ask me what type of psychotherapy I practice. My answer is always the same: talk therapy. There are these days many different types of therapy with many different acronyms (it is sometimes difficult to keep up with the latest practices). So it feels a little strange and old-fashioned to be […]
What’s the Past Got to do with It?
Psychotherapy often involves quite a bit of time talking about one’s past, often the very past going back to one’s childhood. It’s not uncommon then for a client to wonder about this. After all, he or she has usually come into therapy because of some disturbing issues in the present. What does the past have […]
Psychotherapy and Integration
Recently a client of mine told me about an old episode of Star Trek that she happened to see. (I vaguely remember the episode from many years ago.) In the show, Captain Kirk, through a mishap in the transporter system (the one that “beams down” humans to other planets and ships), becomes split in half. […]
Changing Patterns of Relating and Beliefs About Self and Other
From time to time I like to write about the different healing aspects of psychotherapy. Today I’d like to focus on what is called “transference.” What is meant by this technical term? Basically, transference applies to the belief that we learn patterns of relating to others and ways of seeing ourselves and others from our […]
A Little Discomfort Can Go A Long Way
It is typical for me when talking to a potential client to suggest that we meet for an initial session. This is an opportunity when I can learn more about the person’s issues and the degree to which I can help. It’s an opportunity for that person to get a sense of me and see […]
Chicken and the Egg: Couples Therapy
We are all familiar with the saying about the chicken or the egg. The saying implies that it is sometimes difficult to see cause and effect. This is especially true when dealing with human feelings and relationships. This difficulty often comes up when talking about disturbing patterns in a couple’s relationship. One person in a […]
Using Insurance for Psychotherapy
I am on a number of insurance panels and a number of my clients use their insurance to cover the costs of psychotherapy. I’m happy to provide this option to my clients. In this way, many who perhaps could not afford the cost of weekly appointments are able to do so. In these situations, clients […]